Friday, October 28, 2011

What's an Investment

Investments allow you to make money with your money, allowing you to save more money over the long term and build wealth. Depositing money in a bank or credit union, buying stock in a company or buying a bond --- all of these are investments.

Choosing the right kind of investment for you and your money can be challenging. There are so many different types of investments. Each type carries with it unique risks. Some are so risky that they possibly cause you to lose all of the money that you invested, while others may make you very large profits (rewards).

Risk and reward are not the only things to think about when investing. You need to consider how easily it is to take your money out of an investment if you find that you need it or just want to withdraw the investment.

It's important to make investments with the long term in mind, find investments that suit your personal financial situation and understand that different investments have different kinds of return. You need to take all of these considerations into account when selecting investments.

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